Hardanger Embroidery courses 2023
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Learn Hardanger in Hardanger! 15 – 17 September 2023 you can attend courses in Hardanger embroidery at Hardanger Folk Museum in Utne, Norway, and let our teachers show you the
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Learn Hardanger in Hardanger!
15 – 17 September 2023 you can attend courses in Hardanger embroidery at Hardanger Folk Museum in Utne, Norway, and let our teachers show you the secrets and techniques of the handiwork, in the heart of the area where it once emerged. You will see our exhibition of Hardanger embroidery, the largest collection in Norway. From the 17th century onward women in the Hardangerfjord in Norway have sewn Hardanger embroidery as a part of the local costume traditions. Since then, the interest for this unique handiwork has spread to most parts of the world.
You are welcome to a three day course, with guided tours in exhibits and collections, lectures, overnight stay and full board. The courses are suitable for both beginners and more experienced stitchers.
September 15 – 17 2023, Friday to Sunday. Registration within August 20 at post@hvm.museum.no
Tailor made courses are available for groups and individuals all year on request.
If less than 5 registrations, the course might be cancelled.
Alt. 1: Course, incl. overnight stay, single room, and full pension 11,500 NOK
Prices include 3 nights at the historic Utne Hotel, all meals and course expenses, and at Utne hotel you will be served a five course dinner every evening. See Utne hotel
Alt. 2: Course, incl. lunch and coffee-breaks, without dinner and overnight stay 4,700 NOK
Prices include 3 days course, lunch and coffee-breaks at the museum and course expenses
The cost for sewing material comes in addition, so the price depends on what course attendants choose to sew.
More information, please contact Agnete Sivertsen, tlf +47 47 47 98 84/ +47 95 93 46 98, agnete.sivertsen@hvm.museum.no
15 (Fredag) 09:30 - 17 (Sundag) 17:00(GMT+00:00)
For familien
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Voss folkemuseum
ons22jan18:00ons20:00Utvandrarjubileum 2025 - forteljarkveld
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Har du ei historie frå eigen familie om utvandring til USA på 1800-1900-talet som du vil dele? Då er dette arrangementet for deg. Me søkjer interessante og spanande historier knytt til utvandringa til USA på 1800-1900-talet. Historiane kan bli råstoff til Memoar sitt prosjekt «Migrasjonsminne», samt for utvikling av tekstar og musikk til Fjellkoret sitt storprosjekt «Det løfterike landet». Begge prosjekta vert kort presentert innleiingsvis. Her vil óg Eirik Helleve, som skriv bok om utvandringa frå Voss, fortelja litt om sitt prosjekt. Men kvelden er altså fyrst og fremst sett av til innspel og forteljingar frå dei frammøtte.
(Onsdag) 18:00 - 20:00(GMT+00:00)