Fjordmelk. Jordtåke
lau01okt00:00fre30des(des 30)00:00Fjordmelk. JordtåkeExhibition
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The exhibition Fjordmelk Jordtåke is a collaboration between Stine Gonsholt and Åse Løvgren and the artist group Skifte.Land (Malin Lobell, Frøydis Lindén and Sidsel Bonde). Over time the artists
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The exhibition Fjordmelk Jordtåke is a collaboration between Stine Gonsholt and Åse Løvgren and the artist group Skifte.Land (Malin Lobell, Frøydis Lindén and Sidsel Bonde). Over time the artists have researched the landscape around Øystese and the Hardangerfjord with different measuring methods. They have observed, reworked data, sailed and reflected. Skifte.Land has also invited others to participate. The work shown reflects these different processes.
Stine Gonsholt´s Ground Observations consists of reworked maps which depict the hydraulic relationships in the landscape around Øystese.
Åse Løvgren has worked with 3D-models of moss and lichens in the Øystese waterways.
In addition the two artists display a three-channel video installation; The Universal Machine. In the video Klara von Neumann, one of the earliest data programmers, tells us the history of the development of computers. The collage works One and Three Papers #1-5 consist of satellite-photographed images of forest, and on the images the artists have made imprints from the crumbling walls of a derelict paper mill, forming a trinity that is gathered inside one and the same frame: The paper’s raw material, the factory that refined it, and the paper itself.
Supported by Arts Council Norway, Bergen municipality, Bergen Centre for Electronic Arts and The Relief Fund for Visual Artists
In September, as part of the exhibition, Skifte.Land invited to a sailing symposium F(jorden). The Hardanger sailing yacht was filled with artists, scientists, chefs and fruit to travel from the villages of inner Hardanger to the city of Bergen. On the journey the ship opened to seminars in Aga, in Øystese and in Bergen. Here the fjord and the soil were surveyed through themes such as food, history, geology, art and how a green and blue shift can be made possible.
In the exhibition the participants at (F)jorden show work they have developed as they travelled that reflect the central questions in the symposium. The sailing yacht Mathilde is heavily present as a drawing 1:1. Other traces of the symposium we find as film and object.
The exhibition will also be extended with more artworks in November, and with those new impressions, the exhibition is put in motion.
(F)Jorden participants:Sabine Popp, Anna Liljedal, Ingela Ihrmann, Bobrikova & de Carmen, Peter Dean, Jonas Benzer, Sara Nielsen Bonde, Marie Skeie, Hannes Norr, Inger Valeur, Håkan Wallander, Hanne Frosta og gruppa (p)Art of the Biomass med Janna Holmstedt, Karin Wegsjö and Malin Lobell.
Supported by Vestland county council, Norwegian Visual Arts Fund, Art Centres of Norway and The Nordic Culture Fund
Oktober 1 (Laurdag) 00:00 - Desember 30 (Fredag) 00:00(GMT+00:00)
For familien
Granvin bygdetun
Hardanger fartøyvernsenter
Hardanger folkemuseum
Stiftinga Bergsliminne
The Art Centre Kabuso
Voss folkemuseum
ons22jan18:00ons20:00Utvandrarjubileum 2025 - forteljarkveld
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Har du ei spanande historie knytt til utvandring frå Voss ? Bli med på forteljarkveld på Voss folkemuseum 22. januar.I
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Har du ei historie frå eigen familie om utvandring til USA på 1800-1900-talet som du vil dele? Då er dette arrangementet for deg. Me søkjer interessante og spanande historier knytt til utvandringa til USA på 1800-1900-talet. Historiane kan bli råstoff til Memoar sitt prosjekt «Migrasjonsminne», samt for utvikling av tekstar og musikk til Fjellkoret sitt storprosjekt «Det løfterike landet». Begge prosjekta vert kort presentert innleiingsvis. Her vil óg Eirik Helleve, som skriv bok om utvandringa frå Voss, fortelja litt om sitt prosjekt. Men kvelden er altså fyrst og fremst sett av til innspel og forteljingar frå dei frammøtte.
(Onsdag) 18:00 - 20:00(GMT+00:00)