Thomas Strønen's Time Is A Blind Guide
sun01mar18:00Thomas Strønen's Time Is A Blind Guide
Om arrangementet
In spring 2017, Thomas Strønen and his ensemble Time is A blind Guide recorded their 2nd. album «Lucus» at the marvelous Radio Auditorium RSI in Lugano with ECM master Manfred
Om arrangementet
In spring 2017, Thomas Strønen and his ensemble Time is A blind Guide
recorded their 2nd. album «Lucus» at the marvelous Radio Auditorium RSI in
Lugano with ECM master Manfred Eicher. The result? – A true master work!
Very special «Lucus» was released by ECM in January 2018 to standing ovations.
Time is a blind guide:
Thomas Strønen – drums/compositions
Ayumi Tanaka – piano
Håkon Aase – violin
Leo Svensson Sander – cello
Ole Morten Vågan – bass
Thomas Strønen’s Time is a blind guide is a true chamber music ensemble with
a strong group sound performing compelling compositions. It draws lines from
traditional folk music to contemporary music, performed some of Europe finest
jazz musicians.
The quintet combines three elements important to Strønens writing; A
stringtrio, a piano trio and sometimes a percussion ensemble. TIAbG fulfill the
delicate balance between challenging and captivate the audience with textures,
sounds and beautiful melodies.
“Time Is A Blind Guide is, quite simply, a stunning record that stands out in
Strønen’s already impressive discography as one of his most expansive,
cinematic and flat-out lyrical albums to date. An album so compelling that it
truly deserves the term masterpiece, in a time when the word «classic» is
bantered about far too often, it also creates hope that there will be more Time
Is A Blind Guide compositions to come from Strønen’s pen…and from this
nimble group, clearly responsive and connected to his music at the deepest,
mitochondrial level.”
5/5 stars (John Kelman / all about jazz)
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(Sundag) 18:00(GMT+00:00)
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Har du ei historie frå eigen familie om utvandring til USA på 1800-1900-talet som du vil dele? Då er dette arrangementet for deg. Me søkjer interessante og spanande historier knytt til utvandringa til USA på 1800-1900-talet. Historiane kan bli råstoff til Memoar sitt prosjekt «Migrasjonsminne», samt for utvikling av tekstar og musikk til Fjellkoret sitt storprosjekt «Det løfterike landet». Begge prosjekta vert kort presentert innleiingsvis. Her vil óg Eirik Helleve, som skriv bok om utvandringa frå Voss, fortelja litt om sitt prosjekt. Men kvelden er altså fyrst og fremst sett av til innspel og forteljingar frå dei frammøtte.
(Onsdag) 18:00 - 20:00(GMT+00:00)