– Ein del av Hardanger og Voss museum

– A part of Hardanger and Voss museum

3D Old Vangen

Vangen in 1930

The animator Mads Ringdal has made a digital model of the town centre Vangen in the year 1930. You can walk through the streets of Vangen as they looked ten years before they were devastated by German firebombs. The model covers the area from Fleischer’s Hotel to the Langebrua bridge.

This is a pioneering project, and we are not aware of any other museums that have done anything similar. In the project, Ringdal used photographs, written and oral sources, and the knowledge of a reference group comprising Kjell Herheim, Terje Olsen, Peder Ringdal, Gunnar Hemre Ringheim, and Reidar Ringheim.